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Perseus Slade - August 2022



If you feel that rational thought trumps wishful thinking and want to do something about it, help to spread the word.

Discuss, promote, persuade. That's what I am trying to do.

You can find me on Twitter: @perseusslade

And, on a practical level, I am selling virtual gold coins in the form of non-fungible tokens. Purchase one and I will use the proceeds to promote Mithraism and defend rationality against wokeness.

Get them here…

The virtual coins can be kept or sold on, as you wish.
Each has an individual number.
This is what they look like.

Round the edge, there is the following inscription in Latin:

Who knows, they might become precious collector's items.
And they are not too expensive!

When the first ten are sold, I will make ten more, and so on.

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…needs your support.
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